ACT Wildlife Calendar 2025
Reduced price!
The 2025 calendar is now for sale at the reduced price of $10 and is available for purchase at the ACT Wildlife website shop.
The calendar recognises the valuable work undertaken by our volunteers in rescuing, rehabilitating and releasing the diversity of amazing wildlife that come into our care for a variety of reasons.
The ACT Wildlife calendar is recognised as a quality product and is one of the key fundraisers for our organisation. The calendar is purchased by wildlife supporters around the globe. We thank our highly valued sponsors whose support has directly assisted with production costs.
Calendars cost $15 each including GST, with postage added where required. The calendars can be shipped within Australia and overseas. Please allow time for the package to arrive if it is intended as a Christmas gift. All profits from the calendars go directly to caring for wildlife in care.

Latest News
Movies Under the Stars
A variety of movies will be shown on 15 Feb at
Jerrabomberra Wetlands from 5pm until 9:15pm. Come and meet our volunteers and find out more about our amazing wildlife.
Sponsor a Species
The Sponsor a Species initiative allows you make small, monthly donations that will go towards purchasing essential supplies for one of five species in our care.
Latest News

Our Sponsors and Partners
Thanks to all our sponsors and partners – we couldn’t manage without your help

Foundation for National Parks and Wildlife
FNPW is the charity partner of Australia’s National Parks. It is a non-government organisation on a mission to protect Australia’s ecosystems and native species for generations to come.

ACT Government
The ACT Government Environment grants has enabled ACT Wildlife to purchase aviaries; to run the Wombat Mange Project; and to set up our headquarters at Jerrabomberra Wetlands.

Capital Chemist Curtin
Capital Chemist Curtin is a valued sponsor of ACT Wildlife. They supply regular or specially prescribed medications for our wildlife.

Canberra Fixed Price Extensions and Granny Flat Builders
Canberra Fixed Price Extensions and Granny Flat Builders have sponsored a trailer which advertises our three main functions of Donating, Volunteering, and Calling our 24×7 hotline. The trailer is able to be relocated throughout Canberra.

$5 from every kindpeople. garment sold is given to charity. For every purchase, will donate $5 of the proceeds to local charities, supporting their mission to create a kinder world for all.

Kersti Birgitta Pet Portraits
Kersti is an artist working as a vet nurse at Parkway Vet in Kambah, ACT. She is supporting 3 animal charities, including ACT Wildlife, by donating 15% of her art earnings.
Check out her website

Goodwill Wines
Goodwill Wines donate 50% of sales to charities including ACT Wildlife.

IGA Drakeford
IGA Drakeford regularly donate fruit and vegetables for feeding possums, wombats and flying foxes in our care.

Bendigo Bank
Bendigo Bank branches in Canberra and Jerrabomberra have been selling chocolates for ACT Wildlife.